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Have your favorite comic delivered daily to your inbox! GoComics offers
free subscriptions to all sorts of comics, including Peanuts.
Check it out here. Once you've arrived, you can either a) click on "subscribe free," beneath the strip, and then the "sign up for free" button in the subsequent pop-up window, or b) click on the "sign up for free" link in the upper-right corner.
You'll then need to set up an account, which is no big deal ... and you'll be all set! |
While Deluxe, Harland and Checks in the Mail have discontinued making Peanuts checks, another company -- Checks Unlimited, by Current -- still
has some available via the Internet or by phone or mail. (Current often places ads in newspapers and magazines.)
Here's what they look like (and you also can order a checkbook cover that looks like Snoopy's doghouse).
If you're ready to place an order, just visit their site!